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Dental Receptionist Course

You will efficiently handle inquiries, qualify leads, and maximize conversion opportunities through upselling, cross-selling, and down-selling techniques, enhancing overall patient experience and clinic profitability.

Contact us to purchase this course – valued at $997 USD.

Dental Receptionist Course Outline

  • Introduction Video

Module 1: Initial Contact and First Impressions

  • Lesson 1 – What to do when a lead submits details (first 5min + first 72h)
  • Lesson 2 – After 72h

Module 2: Lead Qualification System

  • Lesson 1 – Qualifying Leads Using a 1-4 System
  • Lesson 2 – Gathering Essential Information
  • Lesson 3 – Evaluating Lead Quality Over Time + Reactivation

Module 3: Handling Price Inquiries

  • Lesson 1 – Responding to Price Inquiries on Various Platforms
    • WhatsApp
    • SMS
    • Email
    • Call
    • Meta (IG / FB)
  • Lesson 2 – Presenting Value Over Price
  • Lesson 3 – Follow-Up After Price Inquiries

Module 4: Sales Techniques

  • Lesson 1 – Introduction to Dental Sales Techniques
  • Lesson 2 – Identifying Patient Needs
  • Lesson 3 – Presenting Solutions Effectively
  • Lesson 4 – Upselling and Cross-Selling Techniques
  • Lesson 5 – Handling Sales Objections
  • Lesson 6 – Closing the Sale

Module 5: Call Tracking and Review

  • Lesson 1 – Importance of Notes & Tasks
  • Lesson 2 – 1-2-1 Call Reviews + Feedback + Call Tracking

Relevant Dental Studies:

 1. Health Benefits of Dental Treatments

  • Reduced Risk of Gum Disease and Tooth Decay: Regular oral hygiene practices help prevent periodontal diseases and cavities. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Periodontology found that individuals with better oral hygiene had a significantly lower risk of periodontal disease .
  • Lower Risk of Systemic Diseases: Good oral health is linked to a reduced risk of systemic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine reported that those with periodontal treatment had a lower incidence of cardiovascular events .
  • Improved Mental Health: A study in BMC Oral Health found that individuals with poor oral health had higher levels of psychological distress, indicating a link between oral hygiene and mental well-being .

2. Social Benefits of Dental Treatments

  • Enhanced Social Interactions: A bright smile is associated with attractiveness and friendliness, which can improve social interactions. A study in Journal of Social and Personal Relationships found that people with pleasant smiles were perceived as more approachable and trustworthy .
  • Higher Self-Esteem: Individuals with a nice smile often report higher levels of self-esteem. Research in the International Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry indicated that dental aesthetics significantly impact self-perception and confidence .

3. Professional Benefits of Dental Treatments

  • Improved Job Prospects: A study in PLOS ONE demonstrated that individuals with better dental aesthetics are more likely to be hired and perceived as more competent during job interviews .
  • Increased Earnings: There is evidence suggesting that individuals with attractive smiles earn more. Research published in the Journal of Economic Psychology showed that individuals perceived as attractive (including those with nice smiles) had higher income levels .

4. Overall Quality of Life of Dental Treatments

  • Better Overall Well-Being: The cumulative effect of these benefits contributes to an improved quality of life. A comprehensive review in Quality of Life Research found that good oral health positively impacts overall life satisfaction and well-being .
Dental Relevant References:
  1. Journal of Clinical Periodontology: “Oral Hygiene Practices and Their Association with Periodontal Health”
  2. American Journal of Preventive Medicine: “Periodontal Treatment and the Risk of Cardiovascular Events”
  3. BMC Oral Health: “Oral Health and Psychological Well-Being”
  4. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships: “Perceptions of Attractiveness and Trustworthiness Based on Smiles”
  5. International Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry: “Impact of Dental Aesthetics on Self-Perception and Confidence”
  6. PLOS ONE: “Impact of Dental Appearance on Employability and Competence Perceptions”
  7. Journal of Economic Psychology: “Attractiveness and Earnings: Evidence from the Dental Aesthetics”

Module 1: Initial Contact and First Impressions


Lesson 1 – What to do when a lead submits details (first 5min / 72h)

First 72h vs After 72

New Leads > Old Leads

Always focus on new leads ! Stop what you’re doing if a new lead comes in !

TTL = Time To Lead is KEY!!

Studies show that businesses who respond to leads in five minutes or less are 100x more likely to connect and convert opportunities. Source

Fifty percent of leads will work with the organization that contacts them first.

You’re 21 times more likely to qualify your lead with a fast response time than waiting 30+ minutes.

First 5 minutes

  1. Double Call
  2. Then leave Voice Message
  3. Text
  4. Email

If they pick up (check Module 2 – Lesson 1):

  • Introduction
  • Information Gathering
  • Schedule

First 72 hours

7 – 8 touch points (calls, SMS, Emails, VM)

Power Dials:

  • 1h afternoon to call every lead in the last 72h

Power SMS:

  • SMS every leads in last 72h:
    • Depends on the conversation over the phone / SMS
      • Script: “hey (first name) just bumping this up”


Lesson 2 – After 72h

Into CRM

  • Add tags for campaign + offer (should be automatic – if came from FB Ads for XYZ service / campaign)
  • Reactivation method (i.e: 2x month SMS campaign / themed campaign)
  • Add notes + task – connect periodically

Understand what happened?

  1. No answer / reply – hard disqualify (if many (30%+), consider changing ads – targeting, interests etc). Verify details – delete / tag
  2. Ghosted – listed to the call in 1-2-1 and see what might’ve gone wrong. Ask for feedback. Offer discount / value.
  3. Soft Disqualify – Low budget / too expensive etc – position + offer value. LTV focused.


Module 2: Lead Qualification System


Lesson 1 – Gathering Essential Information

  • Introduction
  • Information Gathering
  • Schedule


Variation #1

.. it’s (F. NAME) from XYZ Clinic
I noticed you submitted your details in the ad
 do you mind helping me out here for a sec?

(permission-based opening + inferior frame)

because the doctors ask us
what exactly you saw in the ad that
caused you to submit your details?

(good book Jeremy Miner – New Model of Selling)

Variation #2

.. it’s (F. NAME) from XYZ Clinic
I saw you replied to our ad about (XYZ offer / campaign) and I’d really like to get you as much help as I possibly can in the short amount of time we have.

Do you have a few minutes to see where you’re at and see if we can help?

(permission-based opening + inferior frame)

  • Information Gathering
    1. Trigger / Cause:

Perfect, so just out of curiosity, what was in the ad that you saw that compelled you to reply?

Cool, and what specifically drove you to call us?

Gotcha, so how did you find us? (if organic / site)

  1. Background Questions:

And how long have you had this? 
.. and does that affect your day-to-day or?

Have you spoke to any specialist about this?

I see
 and is that something that impacts your work or even personal life?

I’m asking this as there’s been a few studies that found that good oral health is linked to higher self-esteem, improved mental health and even increased earnings!

  1. Probing Questions:

And you mentioned you need XYZ
 have you spoken to any other doctor / dentist about this?

And are you sure that you REALLY need this?
. and I’m just asking this because we don’t want to sell you something that you don’t need


Lesson 2 – Qualifying Leads Using a 1-4 System

  1. Disqualified (Hard Disqualify)
  2. Looking around – not sure what needs
  3. Knows what they want, has idea of prices and has budget – no urgency
  4. Knows what they want, has idea of prices and has budget – has urgency

Information gathering should answer this!

How to move from 2→3 & 3→4

2→3 (we’re different, we want to help you first)

"What caused you to contact us?

Have you spoken to any other specialist about this? 

Are you REALLY sure you need this? Asking as we have people say some friends or family said this but they don’t really know what they’re talking about

we don’t want to sell you something that you may not need
what I suggest is you schedule an initial consultation and we see what you may need..sounds fair?"

3→4(usually only works after initial consultation or if they are looking around). 

(Have them come in, evaluate and close on the spot - if they during discovery they’re not sure what they want / need)

"I see
and are you SURE you really need this? I mean
we had instances where some people were recommended to do treatments that are not really necessary just to increase costs
and we don’t do that here."

(If they know what they want, they need it, they have the budget it’s just the fear of change - need handholding, assurance, proof, validation)

we understand it might not look important or like a life or death situation here but you couldn’t believe the amount of people say we changed their life

"Just the pure benefits linked to good oral health like improved mental health, better social interactions, higher self-esteem and some studies even find it connected to increased earning and overall well-being


Lesson 3 – Evaluating Lead Quality Over Time

CRM – Notes + Tasks are key


  • Qualification Gathering + Comments

Reactivation Campaigns

  • SMS campaigns
  • Special day campaigns

1x Week / Month / Quarter

  • Reactivation of old leads – depends on how big your CRM is / what’s your inflow
    • Low-ticket services

Marketing’s role !


Module 3: Handling Price Inquiries


Lesson 1 – Responding to Price Inquiries on Various Platforms

  1. Email
  2. SMS
  3. FB / IG
  4. Call

Depends if there are any active campaigns, promotions etc

– Usually a lvl. 2 / 3 prospect


Good Morning / Afternoon (FirstName), it’s NAME from XYZ Clinic.

I just gave you a quick call about our prices for ____ and must’ve caught you at a bad time.

Our prices vary between x – z, however, we want to make sure that (inquiried treatment name) is what you REALLY need
and not something extra.

I’ll try calling again tomorrow or you give us a call at (phone number) and we’ll see what’s the pricing that makes most sense as we have various payment plans and benefits.


Good Morning / Afternoon (FirstName), it’s NAME from XYZ Clinic.

I just gave you a quick call about our prices for ____ and must’ve caught you at a bad time.


Our prices vary between x – z, however, we want to make sure that (inquiried treatment name) is what you REALLY need
and not something extra.


I’ll try calling again tomorrow or you give us a call at (phone number) between 8am – 6pm, and we’ll see what’s the pricing that makes most sense as we have various payment plans and benefits.


FB / IG:

reply with audio or video message to:

  1. Personalization
  2. Clarity
  3. Engagement
  4. Trust
  5. Retention

(obviously it changes if it’s a simple enquiry like cleaning, sealants, check ups, Xrays and exams – these are a good opportunity for cross-sell or upsell).

Good Morning / Afternoon (FirstName), it’s NAME from XYZ Clinic.

Thanks for your enquiry!

So our prices vary between x – z, however, we want to make sure that (inquiried treatment name) is what you REALLY need
and not something extra

And we also have various payment plans and partner with insurances like Delta or MetLife and a few others, so for me to give you the best option
 I’d need to know a bit more about your situation?

Can I give you a quick call to discuss what your dental history is
and see if this is something you were advised by an expert to see if we can save you some money – sounds fair?

Just write your number or call us at (Clinic’s Number) and we’ll get you the best pricing we can!


Lesson 2 – Presenting Value Over Price

Value > Cost


So it’s a balance between your cost / margins vs long-term thinking!

So how can we perceive value when discussing price.

To make it successful you need to know what their problem at a Surface Level and Emotional Level.

  • Surface Level

    • The tangible (you can put a finger on it) problem
  • Emotional Level

    • “States”
      • Tony Robbins 6 Emotional Needs
        • Certainty
        • Variety
        • Significance
        • Love & Connection
        • Growth
        • Contribution
  • Examples:

    • “I want a pretty smile”
      • Surface Level
        • Ugly smile → Pretty smile
      • Emotional Level
        • No Love & Poor Connection → Loved & Strong Connections
          • Low self estime → Self-respected / High Self-esteem
        • Also growth, significance and contribution
    • “I want to speak on stage to grow my audience”
      • Surface Level
        • Existing Audience → Bigger Audience
      • Emotional Level
        • Perception Of Self → More Significance
        • Also – contribution, connection, etc


Lesson 3 – Follow-Up After Price Inquiries

You should always say it on a phone call (if treatment is simple).

Never say “Following-up here

If it’s complex and requires being sent over email first and then feedback:

  • Send over email

    • Record a Loom – personalisation (if above x value you want to put some effort into it)

  • Send SMS – letting them know it was sent to X email

  • Call 24h later to ask if they’ve received it all good:

    Hey it’s NAME from XYZ Clinic. I’m calling about the (name) treatment for (NAME),

    Just wanted to make sure you were able to access it ok – I know with PDFs and emails you sometimes lose them in the inbox
 email is crazy these days…

  • Ask for their honest feedback (if they didn’t said anything) – you can ask:

 can I ask you a personal question
.what did you think of that investment?

    • be quiet
    • listen to objections



Module 4: Sales Techniques


Lesson 1 – Introduction to Dental Sales Techniques

  • Discovery: Understanding Patient Needs
  • Personalized Recommendations: Tailoring Treatment Options
  • Addressing Objections: Handling Concerns Confidently
  • Highlighting Benefits: Focusing on Outcomes
  • Building Trust: Establishing a Relationship

The key emphasis is the first (triafe) call – if you master a triage/initial call everything else will be easy.

  1. Introduction
  2. Mini-Discovery
    1. Full understand problem (Current Situation)
      1. Probing questions
      2. Background questions
    2. Understand the goal (Desired Situation)
  3. Transition


Lesson 2 – Identifying Patient Needs

Background Questions:

  • “Can you tell me more about the dental issue you’re experiencing? “
  • “How long has this been a concern for you?”
  • “Have you noticed any specific symptoms or pain associated with this issue?”
  • “Have you had any treatments for this issue before? If so, what were the results?”

Understanding Goals:

  • “What are your main goals for your dental care? Are there specific outcomes you’re hoping to achieve?”
  • “Are there any particular treatments or services you’re interested in learning more about?”
  • “Is there a specific timeline you’re working with for achieving these dental goals?”

Probing Questions:

  • “What do you mean when you say ___”
  • “Why do you say that’s the biggest challenge? “
  • “How has that impacted you specifically?”
  • “How else has it impacted the you?”


Lesson 3 – Presenting Solutions Effectively

  • “Since you travel frequently, a solution like Invisalign, which requires fewer visits, might be ideal for you.”
  • “If you’re looking for a quick aesthetic fix before a big event, teeth whitening could be the best option.”
  • “Considering your medical history, I recommend discussing sedation dentistry options to ensure comfort during procedures.”
  • We offer flexible scheduling for busy professionals, so we can plan your treatments at times that suit you.”
  • “Our office provides a range of services in one location, which can save you time and make your visits more convenient.”
  • “For your comfort, we offer sedation options to ensure a relaxed and pain-free experience during procedures.”
  • “Many of our patients who opted for Invisalign were thrilled with the results, noting the comfort and discreet appearance.”
  • “We have numerous success stories from patients who chose our cosmetic bonding and saw immediate improvements.”
  • “Patients who underwent our smile makeover reported a significant boost in confidence and overall satisfaction.”
  • “By choosing our preventive care plans, you can avoid more extensive and costly treatments in the future.”


Lesson 4 – Upselling and Cross-Selling Techniques

  • Identify Related Services:
    • Technique: When a patient books an appointment for a specific service, suggest related services that complement their current treatment.
    • Questions to Position Cross-Sell:
      • “I see you’re scheduled for a cleaning. Have you considered a fluoride treatment to further protect your teeth?”
      • “Since you’re getting a filling, would you like to discuss sealants to help prevent future cavities?”
      • “Are you interested in a professional teeth whitening session after your cleaning to brighten your smile?”
      • “You’ve mentioned sensitivity. Have you tried our desensitizing treatments?”
      • “For maintaining your dental health, would you like to learn about our home care kits that include special toothpaste and brushes?”
      • “Are you aware of our dental wellness plan that includes regular check-ups and cleanings at a discounted rate?”
      • “Would you be interested in a night guard to protect your teeth from grinding?”
      • “We offer oral cancer screenings that you can add to your regular check-up for peace of mind.”
      • “Have you heard about our gum health program which includes deep cleaning and regular monitoring?”
  • Offer Complementary Products:
    • Technique: Suggest dental products that support the patient’s current treatment.
    • Questions to Position Cross-Sell:
      • “After your whitening treatment, we recommend using our special whitening toothpaste to maintain the results. Would you like to add that?”
      • “For your new braces, we have an orthodontic care kit that includes everything you need for proper maintenance. Shall I include one for you?”
      • “To keep your veneers looking their best, we offer a specific veneer-friendly toothpaste. Would you be interested?”
      • “Considering your recent filling, our fluoride mouthwash can help strengthen your enamel. Would you like to purchase one?”
      • “We have a range of electric toothbrushes that are more effective at cleaning than manual ones. Would you like more information?”
      • “To support your gum health, we offer a medicated mouth rinse that you can use daily. Can I add that to your order?”
      • “For your child’s dental care, we have a fun and effective kids’ dental kit. Would you like to see it?”
      • “To complement your deep cleaning, we offer a high-quality water flosser. Interested in trying it?”
      • “We also have an antibacterial toothbrush holder that can help keep your brush germ-free. Would you like one?”
      • “For patients with sensitive teeth, we offer a gentle yet effective toothpaste. Would you like to try it?”


Lesson 5 – Handling Sales Objections

  • Empathizing with Concerns:
    • “I understand your concern about the cost. We offer flexible payment plans to make treatments more affordable. But before we get into details
.I just want to make sure that, besides the price
.is there anything else that concerns you?” (find smokescreens)
    • “Many patients worry about discomfort, but our advanced techniques and sedation options ensure a pain-free experience. Look
what I can do for you
 is I can connect you with our doctor and he can explain the entire process step-by-step and make sure you’re comfortable with each step
    • “I know time is a factor for you. We offer evening and weekend appointments to fit your schedule. And trust me
with this stuff
you really don’t want to delay as it’ll only get worse
so I’ve got my calendar open here
does ____ or ____ work best for you?”
  • Providing Reassurance:
    • “The cost may seem high, but it includes all follow-up visits and necessary adjustments. Plus, the long-term benefits to your dental health are invaluable. I mean
 it’s an investment in yourself
into your self-esteem, health, social life and there’s studies that show it even increased earnings and helped in job interviews! “
    • “Our procedures are designed with patient comfort in mind, using the latest technology to minimize any discomfort.”
    • “Not only our office follows strict sterilization protocols to ensure the highest level of safety for all our patients. Dr. XYZ is one of the best in ____ area, he has done more than X treatments and has 100s of testimonials about how it impacted their day-to-day life and overall health and wellbeing.”
  • Offering Solutions:
    • “No problem. If the timing isn’t right for you now, we can schedule a follow-up appointment at your convenience to discuss further.”
    • “Would you like more information on our financing options? We can work with you to find a plan that suits your budget. However
 before we get into the details
 when you say you can’t afford it
are you more in a SHOULD I do this place where you’re not even 100% certain you wanna do this or more of HOW can I do this place where you’re 100% certain something like this is what you wanna do
it’s just a matter of making it work financially
    • “We understand dental anxiety. Our team is trained in techniques to help you feel more relaxed during your visit. What I can do for you
is I can connect you with the doctor and he can explain the step-by-step process and really explain you how easy this is
and if it helps you can check our website for 100s of testimonials
 we really
want to be here for every step of the process
  • Explaining Value:
    • “Investing in your dental health now can save you from more extensive and expensive treatments in the future.” 
.. (Post – Qualification only)
    • “Our treatments not only improve your smile but also your overall oral health, contributing to your general well-being.” 
    • “We offer comprehensive care, meaning you get all necessary treatments in one place, reducing the need for multiple appointments.” 
  • Highlighting Expertise:
    • “Our dentists have years of experience and stay updated with the latest advancements in dental care to provide you the best service.” 
    • “We use top-of-the-line equipment and materials to ensure the highest quality of care for our patients.” 
    • “Our team is dedicated to providing personalized care, ensuring that each treatment is tailored to your specific needs.” 


Lesson 6 – Closing the Sale

“Hand-holding” Process

During information gathering you should know what are they looking for, why, discuss their current state and their goals and really create that gap and urgency.

Closing + Double Tie Down

  • As we have a really tied schedule and we really value our and our patient’s time, are there any reasons / any chance you won’t be able to make this consultation?
    • So we’re all set for ____ at ____? And you’ll receive a Text SMS and email confirming, can you just double check you’ve received it?
      • We’ll give you a call 24h before to re-confirm, and if something comes up and you can’t make that time, please message us and we’ll find an alternative but you really shouldn’t be delaying 


Deposit Version:

  • As we have a really tied schedule and we want to have serious people like yourself, we require a small deposit of ___ to really confirm your appointment. Sounds fair?

    • Perfect
so we can take your card details over the phone and I can process that for you right now
or if you’re not comfortable with this
 as we totally understand
I can send you a secure link right now and we can get this confirmed right now – which one you prefer?

    (send link over sms)

    • Just sent you a text message with the link right now, can you confirm you’ve received this?
    • Great ! Would you be able to process this right now? it’ll really help me if you can do this so we’re not calling you for this and we can double-confirm your consultation for ____ at ___ .


Module 5: Call Tracking and Review


Lesson 1 – Notes & Tasks + Communicating Results

Take Notes + Set up tasks for you and your team

  • Detail-Oriented Service
  • Continuity of Care
  • Task Prioritization
  • Accountability
  • Legal and Regulatory Compliance
  • Patient Communication
    • Personalisation
    • Transparency + Trust
    • Reassurance
  • Timely Follow-up

Pass relevant information to the doctor!


Lesson 2 – 1-2-1 Call Reviews + Feedback loop

Setting Up Call Tracking and Reviewing Calls

CRM – Technical Set Up help

1-2-1 with managers:

  • Customer excellence
  • Feedback Loop
  • Career progression
    • Good results = salary boost

About WonderAds

Founded by Alice Santos and Alex Pavlenco who both spent close to a decade in the digital marketing space – Alex working for the top marketing companies in the world (Adobe & Dentsu) with global clients (like EasyJet, Deliveroo, Chanel, Santander, F1, etc) and Alice working as a health & wellness influencer with a social media in the hundreds of thousands.

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Hey, we’re WonderAds. We’re determined to make a business grow. Our only question is, will it also be yours to grow?

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